  • Student helped


  • Resources


  • School Collaboration


What is Medsimple?

Medsimple is a training provider for students pursuing a career in Medicine. We specialise in Medicine personal statement, UCAT, interview and tuition services. Our Medsimple team strive to produce evidence-based resources for students whilst supporting widening participation via our bursary scheme. These resources have been validated and highly-rated rated by school students and staff.
Featured in: BBC, Santander and counting.

Join Our Team

Company History

    • Further Santander funding
    • Use of Medsimple resources as a member of the Medicine: ‘Ask the Expert’ team
    • Delivery of school programmes
    • Official launch of services
    • Santander and University of Southampton Student Enterprise  funding
    • Medsimple presentation to the Vice Chancellor and university staff
    • Continuous resource production with product validation testing
    • Medsimple idea conceived
    • Curation of resources with product validation testing

Our Ethos

Our Values

  • Creating evidence-based resources
  • Adhering to the highest professional standards
  • Equipping our students with the toolkit needed to succeed in their endeavours

Our Mission

  • Help increase your success rate into medical school
  • Support widening participation via our bursary scheme
  • Remove the stress and anxiety associated with UCAS Medicine applications

Our promise

  • Supporting students is the core of all our services
  • Deliver a high-standard of support and resources
  • Inspire students through the journey

Meet the Founder - Dr Uyiosa

Dr Uyiosa is an award-winning leader, NHS doctor and the founder of Medsimple. Her arduous journey into Medicine as the first doctor in her family coupled with the shocking 3% statistic and her interest in entrepreneurship led to the curation of Medsimple.

Alongside her medical career, Dr Uyiosa has delivered numerous school workshops, interviewed on medical school panels, and worked with higher education institutions. She is passionate about inspiring, educating and supporting young people. Her features include BBC, Santander and more.

Connect with Uyiosa

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