
UCAT Online Course

UCAT Online Course

Our UCAT platform gives you access to UCAT video tutorials, practice questions and instant access to our in-house UCAT team all from the comfort of your own room.

On the platform you will find more than 15 video tutorials for each of the 5 sections of the UCAT exam, providing you with different techniques to improve your score.

Our UCAT question bank has 1,000+ questions which will simulate the exam and prepare you for the official day.

The UCAT platform covers in-depth the following:

    • Verbal Reasoning
    • Quantitative Reasoning
    • Abstract Reasoning
    • Decision Making
    • Situational Judgement Test
  • 15+ video tutorials for all sections of the UCAT exam
    • Verbal Reasoning
    • Quantitative Reasoning
    • Decision Making
    • Abstract Reasoning
    • Situational Judgement Test
  • Access to our UCAT question bank with 1,000+ questions and explanations
  • Personalised revision recommendations by the platform
  • Instant access to our in-house UCAT expert team via platform

Access to the exclusive Medsimple UCAT platform will be provided once this service has been purchased

£128/2 months access to platform

UCAT Online – 2 Months


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